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Daughters of the Red Tent




Have your daughters, nieces, little sisters, or younger women in your life from 10-17 join the Divine Feminine Rising.

  • Red Tent Gathering (Near New Moon on Thursdays 6-7pm EST)

  • Supportive Friends That Will Have Your Back 

  • Have Monthly Themes With Extra Practices For Mom & Daughter

  • An Optional Big Sister from the Red Tent Sisters Who Will Be Like The Cool Aunt

  • Be A Red Tent Initiate & Learn Ancient Wisdom

  • An Opportunity For Our Younger Sisters to Stand Up, Lead, Share, and Teach







Have your daughters, nieces, little sisters, or younger women in your life from 10-17 join the Divine Feminine Rising.

  • Red Tent Gathering (Near New Moon on Thursdays 6-7pm EST)

  • Supportive Friends That Will Have Your Back 

  • Have Monthly Themes With Extra Practices For Mom & Daughter

  • An Optional Big Sister from the Red Tent Sisters Who Will Be Like The Cool Aunt

  • Be A Red Tent Initiate & Learn Ancient Wisdom

  • An Opportunity For Our Younger Sisters to Stand Up, Lead, Share, and Teach






Our younger sisters & daughters around the world need your help.

We live in a world where women are finally starting to be treated equal and yet there is still more work to be done to close the gap.

We are helping closing this gap by not just creating a sisterhood of women over 18+ - but also creating a sisterhood for our younger women between 10-17 that have started their monthly bleed and wish to learn the powers hidden within their own bodies that once upon a time was common knowledge.


For centuries, when a woman started to bleed for her first time, she would have a rites of passage ceremony and be celebrated by the women in her circle. She would be initiated into the Red Tent post-menarche and be taught the ancient wisdom of being a woman that has been passed down from generation to generation.


Times definitely have changed, our way of gatherings may change, but the power of holding space with other women? The power of sisterhood? The power of celebrating your first bleed? The power of being trained in the womanly arts? Knowing the secrets to success & happiness hidden in your own body for daily use? These will never change. 


On top of that, there is nothing more healing than a loving sisterhood of women that accept you for who you are and have your back throughout life, especially in your teenage years. In a time where we live minimally 6 feet apart and are more separate and disconnected than ever before, the power of sisterhood and the power of the woman within gets to be remembered. 


From the research we have done, we have found that every woman wishes to have a family that unconditionally loves them, appreciates them, and sees them for who they are. What some very lucky women have found out is... that can be found within your sisters. Big or small, having a group of women to go to for advice, for a listening ear, for love, for support - outside of your immediate family can be extremely rewarding and life changing. We have also noticed that when a woman does get a taste of our sisterhood and truly opens herself up, she knows she has found her family, her best friends, and support system for life. 

Would you like that for your own daughter? For your nieces? For any younger women in the age group of 10-17 in your life?


"I wish I could have taught this to my younger self"


How many times have you said this to yourself? Or heard a friend say it?


Sadly, I don't have a time machine. But, what we ALL have is knowledge that can help the next generation - our daughters, our teens, our nieces, young ladies between the ages of 10-17.


Many moons ago, as soon as a woman started to bleed she would have a ceremony to celebrate her next phase of life and be initiated into the Red Tent. 


The Red Tent, for centuries, was a red textile space where women gathered to rest, renew, and often share deep and powerful stories about their lives in a community-setting. Normally, it revolved around the new moon and the women would bleed together while sharing space and love.


The Red Tent Movement is a modern-day rekindling of this ancient practice and is changing the way that women interact and support each other by providing a place that honors and celebrate women, and by enabling open conversations about the things that women don't want to talk about in other venues. 


The Red Tent Goddess Sisterhood was created as an online sisterhood of emerging goddesses with sacred intentions once again - this time it’s focused on bringing back our ancient Red Tent practice + cultivating our inner goddesses, each other, and a utopian world vision we all agree upon creating and birthing together.

Daughters of the Red Tent will aid in teaching our 10 years old to 17-year-old girls to navigate their times of transformation with love, care, and empowerment. It will create a safe space to help and give them tools to better avoid the isolation, confusion & shame that can come up during puberty.

Want to learn more about Daughters of the Red Tent?

Attend our next free introduction event


Today, at Daughters of the Red Tent, we have created a modern-day red tent for teens where they can learn about...

🌸 Loving yourself

🌸 Loving others exactly for who they are

🌸 Speaking their truth and sharing their needs

🌸 Understanding and honoring their changing bodies

🌸 Creating boundaries & saying NO or HEAVEN YES

🌸 Discovering how astrology can guide them

🌸 Understanding the phases of being a woman

🌸 Understanding the phases of being a man (and how to support the men in our lives)

🌸 Tips to avoid toxic relationships 

🌸 The power of your menstrual cycle

🌸 The power of sisterhood and safety in connections

🌸 The two voices in their head: The superhero and the  scared child

🌸 Letting go of the past

🌸 Life is... what you perceive it to be

🌸 Trusting their intuition & tune into their inner compass

🌸 Connecting deeper with other women in their lives

🌸 Ancient wisdom 

🌸 Creating their own spirituality and practices that feed their souls

🌸 A sisterhood of teens and "big sisters" or "aunts" to be there for them 

🌸 And so much more!

In these circles our daughters will have the opportunity to encourage other young ladies to share experiences that are helpful to one another and will create bonds for life within the sisterhood. 

Each month our daughters & little sisters will gather to have a Red Tent Circle with a monthly theme.

During the circles, we allow ourselves to rest, relax, renew, receive and unwind from everyday responsibilities. We take time to give ourselves the care and nurturing we deserve. We tune in to our bodies and we begin the lunar cycle by shedding the past and setting new intentions for the upcoming months. 

What does Daughters of the Red Tent include?

🌸A powerful, supportive, and loving sisterhood like none other

🌸A Red Tent Event every month just for our younger sisters and daughters

🌸A monthly theme with practices during the moon and possible extra exercises

🌸Our little sisters will have their own Goddess Name & Title that each of their sisters will know them by

🌸iPhone, iPad, Android, Laptop, Tablet, and Desktop Friendly App + Website

🌸Access to the private WhatsApp Sisterhood

🌸 The opportunity to name their sisterhood in the whats app grou

🌸An opportunity for the daughters to stand up and be leaders in the community

🌸The ability to buy an exclusive welcome box for your daughter (or another little sister in the group) a "Red Box" with little pads, little feminine wipes, 1 moon underwear, and more.

🌸Exclusive Discounts of services, products, courses, and certifications by our fellow sisters - your daughter wants a tarot reading? Palm reading? Akashic Record Reading? We have it all! 

🌸An optional big sister to practice holding space, listening, receiving, and support.

🌸Claudia Pacitti's & Jaslin Martin's unique guidance and expertise as High Priestess’s for the Divine Feminine

🌸Claudia Nieve's & Melanie Hachey's experience of being a mother with younger girls and their guidance for our younger sisters & daughters

🌸Healing the generations together with all kinds of tools of love & support

🌸Heal the planet by healing yourself in this loving and supportive community

🌸Be a part of creating our Utopian World Vision together



Have your daughters, nieces, little sisters, or younger women in your life from 10-17 join the Divine Feminine Rising.

  • Red Tent Gathering (Near New Moon on Thursdays 6-7pm EST)

  • Supportive Friends That Will Have Your Back 

  • Have Monthly Themes With Extra Practices For Mom & Daughter

  • An Optional Big Sister from the Red Tent Sisters Who Will Be Like The Cool Aunt

  • Be A Red Tent Initiate & Learn Ancient Wisdom

  • An Opportunity For Our Younger Sisters to Stand Up, Lead, Share, and Teach







Have your daughters, nieces, little sisters, or younger women in your life from 10-17 join the Divine Feminine Rising.

  • Red Tent Gathering (Near New Moon on Thursdays 6-7pm EST)

  • Supportive Friends That Will Have Your Back 

  • Have Monthly Themes With Extra Practices For Mom & Daughter

  • An Optional Big Sister from the Red Tent Sisters Who Will Be Like The Cool Aunt

  • Be A Red Tent Initiate & Learn Ancient Wisdom

  • An Opportunity For Our Younger Sisters to Stand Up, Lead, Share, and Teach





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the Goddesses Behind Red Tent Goddess Sisterhood:

Co-Founder,  High-Priestess, Red Tent Facilitator, Creative Director, Branding Guru, and Transpersonal Coach 

Co-Founder, Womb Weaver , Priestess, Business & Menstrual Cycle Coach, and Marketing Guru


It is our dream come true to have created this sisterhood and make it available for you and all women ages 10+ who are yearning for a space like this.  

So, are you ready to bring your daughter, niece, little sister, or younger woman friends be a part of the Red Tent?


Daughters of the Red Tent is open to all women of ages 10-17 for less than $.57/day.

Pre-requisite: The 18+ mother / guardian must be a part of the Red Tent Goddess Sisterhood so you have your own sisters and support group and can relate.

You can go HERE to learn more about Red Tent Goddess Sisterhood for yourself.


Claudia Nieves

Goddess of Reclamation, Inspiration & Adornment

Co-Facilitator Daughters of the Red Tent, Certified Psychosynthesis Coach, Dentist, and Mother of 2

Daughters of the Red Tent Guides


Melanie Hachey

Goddess of Witchcraft & Ancient Teachings

Co-Facilitator Daughters of the Red Tent, Witch, Cancerian, Tarot & Oracle Reader, Mom of 2 incredible girls, Avid Tea drinker, full of wanderlust, Lover of books & knowledge

Frequently Asked Questions

What dates & time are the live sessions?

The live sessions are held on the Thursday closest to the New Moon at 6-7pm EST every month. You will get an email beforehand and you can also check for more.

Are the new moons necessary to show up to?

For the daughters, we believe showing up to the new moons, especially on time, will create more transformation and awakenings for each sister - not to mention connection & friendships. 

We do believe that you & your daughter will get more by showing up to the events and mingling with your sisters when the opportunity fits in your schedule tho :)

As a mother, how can I support my daughter in this sisterhood?

Remember what it was like to be a teenager? Remember what your first bleed was like? Remember how you felt about your mother holding on too tight or too hard? When your mother stopped you from letting you make your own mistakes? When your mother forced you to do things you didn't want to? When you couldn't do something because your mother told you NO even though your heart said YES? 

Remembering your own experiences as a woman in her teens can make a big difference to being not just the mother you wish you had but also asking your daughter what kind of mother SHE wants.

Feel free to ask your daughter for what kind of support SHE wants. Our daughters & little sisters have voices and instead of us, as the moms and aunts and bigger sisters, trying to decide for them - TRUST that they know what would be best for them at this moment in time.


We will be sharing the curriculum and themes we will be going through in the new moon events so you can be aware of what she is learning in case there are any behavior changes. As a woman and a mother/guardian you can hold space for all the daughters and sisters and even decide to become a "Big Sister" to another existing sister in the group. Hearing from another mom, and showing up as a FRIEND to a younger sister, can make a world of a difference to not just hear experiences from her own mothers side but from another sister.

We ask that you support them in the beginning to set up the computer and know how to log into zoom and help them show up on time and move their calendar around to be there for the first few sessions. After, they get to be their own woman and be treated as their own woman and trust that we can handle it from there. 

We recommend letting them have their own experience and sisterhood and trusting the process as much as humanely possible. After a woman starts to bleed, no matter what age, that is the world saying she is ready to stand on her own and be her own person. We must trust her, her body, and the Infinite Creator to know better than we do and to let her be her own person as well as make her own choices in life.  

You can take care of yourself, show her what self-love looks like, help create a packet for her monthly bleed to take with her, let her start to make her own decisions more and more, be a role model, show up to your own sisterhood & gatherings and share with her YOUR experiences and learnings - let your daughter know that mommy is not superwoman all the time either and that you make mistakes too. Being vulnerable with your daughter allows a closeness, a connection, and allows her to share her mistakes too without thinking she is going to be in trouble for it but instead has a friend that will be there for her in whatever way SHE wants you to be there for her. 

We cannot emphasize this enough - trust. trust. trust. let go. let go. let go. surrender over and over again.

What if I just don't have the money but feel really called to join this sisterhood?
Then please reach out to We have a scholarship opportunity where you can join our sisterhood for 3 months. For those with mini financial difficulties for just a month and do not want to have the scholarship, we are more than happy to give you a month free when needed. The key is to talk to us and tell us your concerns - we are not mind readers and please do not expect us to read between the lines. Be vulnerable, speak your truth, and receive sister 💗 

So what is EVERYTHING that comes with this membership in one list?

  • A powerful, supportive, and loving sisterhood like none other

  • Have your own Goddess Name & Title that each of your sisters will know you by

  • A Red Tent New Moon Event every month

  • A monthly theme with practices during the moon and possible extra exercises

  • An opportunity for the daughters to stand up and be leaders in the community

  • The ability to buy an exclusive welcome box for your daughter (or another little sister in the group) a "Red Box" with little pads, little feminine wipes, 1 moon underwear, and more.

  • Exclusive Discounts of services, products, courses, and certifications by our fellow sisters - your daughter wants a tarot reading? Palm reading? Akashic Record Reading? We have it all! 

  • iPhone, Ipad, Android, Laptop, Tablet, and Desktop Friendly App + Website

  • Access to the private WhatsApp Sisterhood

  • An optional big sister to practice holding space, listening, receiving, and support.

  • Claudia Pacitti's & Jaslin Martin's unique guidance and expertise as High Priestess’s for the Divine Feminine

  • Claudia Nieve's & Melanie Hachey's experience of being a mother with younger girls and their guidance for our younger sisters & daughters

  • Healing the generations together with all kinds of tools of love & support

  • Heal the planet by healing yourself in this loving and supportive community

  • Be a part of creating our Utopian World Vision together


I don’t have/use WhatsApp. How do I connect to the sisterhood?

Outside of WhatsApp we have our Red Tent Goddess App (under Wix App) with our own Daughters of the Red Tent Goddess “Wix Group.” With your share(d) emails there will also be emails sent out before the events so you are aware of the next new moon circle. There will also be the possibility of a big sister where they can set up calls weekly, monthly, or even check-in through text messages from time to time.

What kind of topics will our daughters learn?

🌸 Loving yourself

🌸 Loving others exactly for who they are

🌸 Speaking their truth and sharing their needs

🌸 Understanding and honoring their changing bodies

🌸 Creating boundaries & saying NO or HEAVEN YES

🌸 Discovering how astrology can guide them

🌸 Understanding the phases of being a woman

🌸 Understanding the phases of being a man (and how to support the men in our lives)

🌸 Tips to avoid toxic relationships 

🌸 The power of your menstrual cycle

🌸 The power of sisterhood and safety in connections

🌸 The two voices in their head: The superhero and the  scared child

🌸 Letting go of the past

🌸 Life is... what you perceive it to be

🌸 Trusting their intuition & tune into their inner compass

🌸 Connecting deeper with other women in their lives

🌸 Ancient wisdom 

🌸 Creating their own spirituality and practices that feed their souls

🌸 A sisterhood of teens and "big sisters" or "aunts" to be there for them 

🌸 And so much more!

Are there any rules to the Daughter of the Red Tent?

We have two rules: 

  1. To unconditionally love

  2. Practice receiving unconditional love

Outside of these two rules, we have guidelines or tips to get the most of this membership. 

We ask that you participate when possible and to keep Claudia Nieves & Melanie Hachey in the loop of what is going on in your life and in your daughters / little sisters lives. We cannot help you and support you if you do not let us know that something is going on. 


We would like everyone to practice non-judgment with each of our fellow sisters (big and small sisters)- this means to honor each other's differences in emotional, physical, spiritual, or mental varieties and to love each other above all else. We have had absolutely no violence, harassment, threats, or bullying in our sisterhood and we would like to keep it that way.

What is the refund and cancellation policy?

Due to the immediate access to the program, no refund will be given. However, you can cancel your membership at any time right from your dashboard but if you are leaving for financial difficulties we do ask that you send us an email at to receive support.

I have a question that isn’t addressed in the FAQ section.

Feel free to reach us and ask for any support or answers you need at


Want to learn more about Daughters of the Red Tent?

Attend our next free introduction event

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