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February FREE Sacred Weaving Sharing Circle

Tue, Feb 15



What are you weaving into your tapestry of life?

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February FREE Sacred Weaving Sharing Circle
February FREE Sacred Weaving Sharing Circle

Time & Location

Feb 15, 2022, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM


About the Event

What are you weaving into your tapestry of life?

Weave; Weaving (verb v.)

1. to interlace (threads, words, actions) together

2. to make (something, such as a basket, tapestry of life, cloth) by intertwining

3. to interlace especially to form a texture, fabric, or design (or life)

4. to unite in a coherent whole

Every single day we are all weaving our life. Every word we speak, every tv show we watch, every song we listen to.

As a collective, we have fallen under an unconscious programming way of being in our day-to-day life. People use terms such as "Whatever, I don't Know, I don't care, You pick, It doesn't matter."  Yet, every chord (every sound wave) has a frequency that is being played.

So, what if... we started to consciously become aware of every stitch we put into our tapestry? Every piece of yarn that we are interlacing into our lives?

"So, whouldn’t you like to remember and pick up this mysterious art of consciously weaving your own thread of destiny? All over the world, women came together in circles to tell stories, stitch, sing, dance or practice other handcrafts." - The Wyrding Way by Erika Maiki

What kind of world would we live in now if only we heard the sound of our grandmothers voices and listened?

What kind of world would we live in if we became more intentional with our word choices and focusing on weaving in our destiny thread to our daily life?

Mamy moons ago, women would gather in circles to tell stories, sing, dance, and weave all kinds of projects.

This is what this weaving sharing circle is about.

Yes, we will also be learning how to LITERALLY weave. We will all learn together how to embroider, crochet, and knit throughout our weaving sharing circle journey, and work on all types of projects such as embroidering pillows, crocheting scarfs, and knitting hats.

Buy the kit HERE that we are working on for now 

For our first few sessions, we will be using a beautifully crafted embroidery kit with everything you need and learning how to weave these together. If you would prefer to work on your own project that is perfectly fine :)

The ultimate goal is for us to feel confident in all ways of weaving so we know how to express ourselves creatively with our own hands. Then, we can be specific with our creations and add ancient symbols to our daily lives such as protection symbols, healing symbols, guiding symbols, and more!

We will also be practicing the metaphorical way of weaving in everything we do. The practice of literal weaving and the practice of metaphorical weaving will bring forth our Divine Femininity into new heights. Surrender and trust in the process sister.

Throughout our process, we will grow our bond of sisterhood so that none of us are alone and all of us are seen, heard and understood by each other while we walk the Divine Feminine Path together.

"As I told my stories of fear, awakening, struggle, and transformation and had them received, heard, and validated by other women, I found healing... I also needed to hear other women’s stories in order to see and embrace my own. Sometimes another woman’s story becomes a mirror that shows me a self I haven’t seen before. When I listen to her tell it, her experience quickens and clarifies my own. Her questions rouse mine. Her conflicts illumine my conflicts. Her resolutions call forth my hope. Her strengths summon my strengths. All of this can happen even when our stories and our lives are very different."

- From Dance of the Dissident Daughter by Sue Monk Kidd

A bit of history of weavers:

To this day I have not found ONE single ancient society that weaved in some way or form. Whether they weaved baskets, knitted their clothes, embroidered their traditional shaman outfits, embroidered destiny clothes in their menarche ceremonies, crocheted their own dolls (amigurumi), and more.

Here is a bit of info from Norse and Slavic history:

"Women have always done something with their hands and stitching has a long tradition in many different countries and cultures around the world. In Nordic mythology, the three Norns -Urd, Verdanti, and Skuld- who sit by the World Tree “Yggdrasil” are known to weave the destiny not only of humans but also Gods, elves and all other creatures from the physical realm. They hold the threads for the past (Urd), present (Verdanti) and the future (Skuld). They are considered to be even more powerful than Gods since they hold the threads of destiny of all. 

They gain their wisdom from the “Urdrbrunnen” well by the roots of the World Tree and by connecting to the void of emptiness, known as the GINNUNGAGAP or YAWNING GAP (YONI) in Hindu tradition. This is comparable to the Womb of all Existence or potentiality. I call that WYRD, which is also the rune of web of life: nothingness and at the same time all possibilities...

Following the Slavic embroidery tradition, seven years old girls already start to stitch their destiny towels called “Rushnyk”, stitching particular symbols to manifest certain things in their lives. In this tradition, women also stitch particular destinies through symbols for babies, married couples, deceased people to take in their graves and for certain other important occasions. This is a long and powerful tradition of consciously manifesting destiny." - The Wyrding Way by Erika Maiki

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